Here you'll find all the documentation you need to get up and running with the disclosure-bot.
Core Features
Not bloated 😭
It's blazingly fast ⚡
🤯 Game-changing with 🩸 bleeding-edge technologies
Super easy to install by just running ONE COMMAND 🔥🤯
Designed and crafted from scratch and keeping it open source in mind.
Always up-to-date to use the latest features of JavaScript.
Uses Discord.js internally with the latest version!
Supports sharding out of the box. See more here.
Highly customizable and easy to configure
No built-in commands.
You can use our Official or Third-Party Plugins to add commands to your bot.
or you can make your own commands from scratch by using the plugin system.
Basic but pretty advanced plugin system.
Heavily inspired by the Minecraft server plugin system.
Built-in slash command handler with inhibitors and special event listeners.
Very easy to update.
This updates the bot's internal code and dependencies.
You don't have to redownload the bot every time by just updating.
Can be done in just ONE COMMAND 🔥🤯
It's written in TypeScript for the best developer experience.
Fancy logging system.
It saves logs in a folder where you can view them super easily.
Setup and Installation
Feeling like an eager beaver? Jump into the setup docs and get up running your own instance of Disclosure Bot:
Want to deep dive?
Dive a little deeper and start exploring our Developer Reference to get an idea of everything that's possible with Disclosure Bot:
Last updated